The company that changed itself

R&D and the transformations of DSM


Arjan van Rooij

Amsterdam University Press in cooperation with SHT





Industrial research is one of the most striking features of twentieth century innovation processes. Some spectacular successes have resulted from in-house research and development, but also some spectacular failures. The role of industrial research in the development of the company that sponsors it is an essential question: what are the results of doing research? With this question comes the question how to manage research: are there ways to make research more effective? In this book Arjan van Rooij takes up these questions in an historical perspective with a case study of the Dutch chemical company DSM. Now over a hundred years old, DSM transformed itself three times over the course of its history. Industrial research played a crucial role in these transformations, helping the company to diversify and to maintain and improve its existing businesses. Industrial research is analyzed in a framework emphasizing its relations with other units and companies. The book results from a research project carried out by the SHT.

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