PhD Position STONEM project (Eindhoven University of Technology)

The Eindhoven University of Technology department of Industrial Engineering and Innovation Studies is offering a PhD position in the project Sustainability Trade-offs in the Netherlands’ Entangled Modernisation (STONEM), 1900-2020. The project is sponsored by NWO and hosted by Eindhoven University of Technology, Utrecht University, Wageningen University and Centraal Bureau voor Statistiek (CBS).

The Netherlands currently has Europe´s worst performance in foreign sustainability trade-offs to least developed countries. The huge Dutch imports of raw materials and goods have had profound consequences for economic, social, and ecological developments elsewhere on the planet. These trade-offs have historical origins. From the nineteenth century onwards, scientific knowledge, colonial developments and industrial modernization contributed to the development of transnational production chains. These connected the Netherlands with the rest of the world.

The PhD candidate will study how from the nineteenth century onwards, scientific knowledge, colonial developments and industrial modernization contributed to the development of transnational production chains of edible oils, fats and protein. These connected the Netherlands food and agriculture with the rest of the world. This historical study analyses the developments and provides perspectives for contemporary initiatives in protein and food transitions.

The  vacancy is now online under number V39.6317 until and including 22 March 2023.

This is the link to the vacancy