On Wednesday October 19, Ginevra Sanvitale defended her PhD thesis Technopolitical Resonance: Emotions, computers and socialism in Cold War Italy (1965-1990) with Cum Laude. The committee was highly impressed by the thesis’s empirical, conceptual and methodological originality, its eloquence, and its (political) punch – and by the  informed and disciplined responses to the committee’s questions. Committee members Paul Edwards (Stanford), Valérie Schafer (Univ of Luxembourg), Anna Guagnini (Bologna University), and Ruth Oldenziel (TU/e) added a range of nice words (and, probably, so did the anonymous reviewers in the Cum Laude procedure). The Foundation for the History of Technology  congratulates Ginevra and the promotores (Erik van der Vleuten, Karena Kalmbach and Andreas Spahn).