Editorial staff Technology & Culture

Editorial staff Technology & Culture2021-06-16T14:20:25+02:00

Technology and Culture, the preeminent journal of the history of technology, draws on scholarship in diverse disciplines to publish insightful pieces intended for general readers as well as specialists.

The journal first appeared in 1959 at the initiative of the United States-based Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) and is published by Johns Hopkins University Press. Technology & Culture appears four times a year and is also accessible online.


Subscribers include scientists, engineers, anthropologists, sociologists, economists, museum curators, archivists, scholars, librarians, educators, historians, and many others. In addition to scholarly essays, each issue features 30-40 book reviews and reviews of new museum exhibitions. To illuminate important debates and draw attention to specific topics, the journal occasionally publishes thematic issues. Technology and Culture is the official journal of the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT).


Special Issue April 2021.  Technology Is Global: The Useful & Reliable Knowledge Debate. Technology and Culture is the


As of 1 July 2020, Ruth Oldenziel (TU/e) has been appointed by SHOT as the new editor-in-chief of Technology & Culture. She is the first editor-in-chief from outside the United States. The appointment is a recognition of the leading role that Eindhoven (SHT, TU/e and Eindhoven History Lab) have played globally within the field in recent decades.

Coupled with the appointment of the new editor-in-chief, the editorial office of the United States has also moved to the Netherlands in 2020. SHT, TU/e (Faculty of Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences) and SHOT work closely together here.

The Technology & Culture editorial team currently consists of:

  • Editor in Chief: Ruth Oldenziel (TU/e)
  • Managing Editor: Hermione Giffard (SHT)
  • Book Review Editor: Dick van Lente (SHT)
  • Assistant Book Review Editor: Henk-Jan Dekker (SHT)

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